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Grief, Loss, Desperation, Self-neglect

Aurora Eggert

Updated: Jan 23

Grieving loss of a loved one is the hardest thing a human being can be faced with.

It is so easy to abandon yourself when you are faced with sudden loss of a loved one, are struggling with heartache or a divorce. When you grief it is so hard to take care of yourself and self-neglect can become a result of that.

Self care is the hardest thing to engage in when suffering emotionally.

Having gone through excruciating emotional pain in the last 3 months and especially the last couple days – having received incredible support from thousands of people, most of them I have never met before – I decided I might do the following to turn this pain and sorrow into something useful :

I bought a yurt end of this summer and will finish setting it up in our backyard soon ..

Soon I will host all sorts of gatherings to add value and support to my beloved community AND November 1st-30th each year I will simply hold space for all you people out there needing to sit in silence in a safe and warm place.

It is so mind-blowing how easy it is to try and numb the pain with overworking, alcohol and isolation ..

I learnt for myself now that you can’t escape the pain of loss … grieving needs time and a safe quiet space .. surpassed grieving can easily harden your soul and heart and turn you into a raging monster.

If we don’t address our pain if we don’t give it space it will haunt us and possibly change our character for the worst .. it will transform us into rigid, distrusting beings with rock hard hearts ..

I invite you to be hopeful in spring, excited and full of joy in summer and to use fall and winter to slow down, reflect and release accumulated pain in a safe space.

I’m not a therapist or claim to be a healer, I’m just a human being who knows what it feels like to feel extremely hopeless/ powerless/ desperate.


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